Catégorie : Actualités sur Tainosystems

La Montée de l’Inquiétude Face à la Variole du Singe : Comprendre la Maladie et Améliorer le Diagnostic avec Silabmed

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Introduction Ces dernières années, le monde a été confronté à de nombreux défis liés aux maladies infectieuses émergentes, et la variole du singe est devenue l’une des préoccupations majeures. La variole du singe est une maladie virale zoonotique causée par le virus de la variole du singe, un membre du genre Orthopoxvirus, qui inclut également

The Growing Concern of Monkeypox: Understanding the Disease and Enhancing Diagnostics with Silabmed

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Introduction In recent years, the world has faced numerous challenges with emerging infectious diseases, and monkeypox has become one of the key concerns. Monkeypox is a viral zoonotic disease caused by the monkeypox virus, a member of the Orthopoxvirus genus, which also includes the variola virus responsible for smallpox. Although monkeypox is primarily found in

Moving your business online – why you need a great website

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It’s no secret that the past two years have hit businesses hard. With Covid-19 causing multiple business closures, staff absences and remote working mandates, business owners have had to think on their feet to keep their businesses open, and importantly, profitable. One of the biggest changes for in-person businesses has been to offer online alternatives
